Marston Green’s newly renovated garden!

<strong>"The outdoors offers limitless potential to young children. It becomes a place where they can go and relax their mind, to be inspired and to dive deep into the world of imagination. Its a place where they can design, create and explore. The possibilities are endless!" - A. Hanscom</strong>Finally, we are so proud to show you our new renovated garden at Marston Green!This has been at the top of our list on our Development Plan and we can now share some of the photos with you.Our maintenance team have used this time wisely during lockdown to create the perfect outdoor space for the children. We started off designing the garden exactly how we wanted it- taking our children's interests into consideration and ensuring we create areas where children can really use their imagination!We know that children seek risk and challenge - they create healthy adventures that test their strength and find their limits to gain balance and spacial awareness. Looking at previous OFSTED inspections, we knew that children needed opportunities to build on their physical skills using different pieces of equipment. Our previous garden, did not allow children the space to do this freely.We have created a large construction area, natural areas filled with exploration along with sensory areas filled with sand, water and mud. Children are provided with outdoor equipment to really extend their play and staff have created some 'awe and wonder' experiences introducing fairy villages and Marston Greens very own bug hotel!The Pupil Premium funding received for some of our disadvantaged children couldn't have been used better. Staff have already seen the positive difference in children's learning and development and the joy they encounter when they now play outside. Having this space has really encouraged children to take risks and join in with teamwork.I don't think any weather will stop the children from wanting to play outside in this garden!