Promoting good oral health

Helping children to understand and develop healthy habits to care for teeth while they are young is so important. These habits can set the stage for good oral health care throughout their entire life.

Working directly with parents and children at nursery, we can have a positive influence by reinforcing good oral hygiene messages and healthy eating. This doesn’t mean that we should be brushing children’s teeth for them at nursery, but instead think of fun and exciting ways children can learn about good oral health.

For example, our menu’s are designed to have as little sugar in them as possible. We ensure there is a variety of healthy meals and snacks offered throughout the week. Parents are able to access their nursery menu on Tapestry. If children aren’t eating meals provided by nursery, parents are asked to bring in healthy packed lunches. Advice and support is offered through our care plan and healthy eating policy to guide parents on what should be in their child’s lunchbox.

Staff remind parents about the importance of visiting the dentist. Staff will talk to children about the dentist and what happens when you visit so their trip becomes exciting for them.

All of our nurseries display information promoting good oral health – most have leaflets available from the local dentist for parents to take away with them. Information is also uploaded on Tapestry or given in our nursery newsletters.

Free information and activities are available online around how children can keep their mouth healthy – if you would like more information or advice on what you can do with your children at home, please speak to your nursery manager.