Summer Training

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you’ – B.B King

As nurseries go a little quiet in the summer holidays, the team at Little Scallywags use this time to find gaps in our own learning. This year staff have had the opportunity to attend apprentice training, specific training related to babies and how to support children with SEND.

Staff across all 8 settings have come together to refresh, learn new information and share ideas together to better our practice.

Staff in our Baby rooms spent the morning with Kelly Sheils at MBK Training specifically addressing the care of babies.

Our apprentices spent the day sharing information specifically related to our curriculum, planning and environments.

Two of our managers – Lizzie and Vanessa, were kind enough to share all their knowledge and experience with staff and give the right strategies/tools required to support children with additional needs.

All training days were very successful and we are excited to put this into practice when we welcome children back to nursery in September